Sunday, September 13, 2009

Click! Click! Click! (McLEAD 09)

McLEAD 2009

This year, we went to Glory Beach Resort, Port dickson to have our McLead. What is McLead?
McLead means management course for leaders. Among the objectives are:
  • to provide participants with intensive training on leadership skills
  • to provide the participants with managerial skills for organizing programmes
  • to prepare the MRC physically and mentally to the challenges in performancing their duties

This 3 days programme started on 7th August and ended on 9th August 2009. Here, we show the tentative of the programme:

DAY 1 (7th August 2009-Friday)

2.30 pm - Departure from IIUM Gombak

5.00 pm - Registration & Check-in. 'Asr Prayer

7.00 pm - Dinner, Jama' Prayers (Maghrib & Isya)

8.15 pm - Ice breaking

9.20 pm - Talk 1 : Qualities of Good Leaders, by Madam Shahrizad Sai-dul Haj, Student Development Division

11.15 pm - Lights off

DAY 2 (8th August 2009-Saturday)

6.00 a.m - Subuh congregational prayers

7.00 a.m - riadah / morning exercise

8.00 a.m - breakfast

9.00 a.m - Talk 2 : Mindsetting of Student Leaders, by Dr Aldila Isahak, Alumni Career Services Division

10.30 a.m - session by Counseling Services Unit

12.45 p.m - lunch and jama' prayers (zuhr & 'Asr)

2.30 p.m - session by Counseling Services Unit

4.30 p.m - Tea break

5.00 p.m - Tele-match

7.00 p.m - dinner, jama' congregational prayers (maghrib & Isya')

8.00 p.m - group activity : mahallah Almanac

9.30 p.m - group presentation

11.15 p.m - lights off

DAY 3 (9th August 2009- Sunday)

5.00 a.m - qiyam al-lail, subh congregational prayers & tazkirah

7.30 a.m - breakfast

9.00 a.m - Forum : Sharing a moment

Paneslists: Ustaz Fauzi Muda ( Principal, Mahallah Ali), Dr.Amilah Awang Abdul

Rahman ( Principal, Mahallah Asiah), Br. Mohd Azim Odenan(Ex-MRC),

Sr. Nurul Shuhada Ahmad Zaki (Ex-MRC)

10.30 a.m - bai'ah session

11.00 a.m - speech by Dr.Mohd Feham Mohd Ghalib, Director, McLead 2009

11.30 a.m - closing remarks by Prof Nik Ahmad Kamal Nik Mahmod, Deputy Rector

(Student Affairs)

12.00 p.m - lunch & disperse